View Our Houses
HFI operates five IRAs in Westchester County. An Individualized Residential Alternative (IRA)
is a type of community residence that provides room, board and service options for people
with disabilities. In an IRA, OPWDD provides supports for people with disabilities to live in a
certified home in the community with a small number of other people with disabilities.
HFI provides staff and programming in the house to meet the needs of the people living in the
home, according to their life plans.
Hawthorne Foundation Inc. residential services offers a variety of ABA-based residential opportunities based upon the level of support and supervision required by the individual, as well as individual preferences, when appropriate. All homes are supervised 24/7 by ABA-trained staff and staffing is based upon the needs of the residents in a particular home. Each home has a residence manager and assistant to the manager who supervise the staff and ensure the operation of the daily program. Nursing services are provided in each home. The residential program utilizes the services of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) to assist staff with teaching appropriate social/behavioral skills. The Residential Program Coordinator oversees the management and compliance of all HFI residences. Additional oversight is provided by the Coordinator of Adult Community Programs. All HFI certified residences meet or exceed OPWDD compliance standards.

Our residential homes provide a wide variety of community and skills-based learning activities designed to help build adaptive and daily living skills, provide for community inclusion and relationship building, training and support for independence in travel, adult educational supports, and the development of social, leisure, self-advocacy, informed choice and appropriate behavioral skills. Our goal is to enable each individual to live as independently as possible in the community, in accordance with their Life Plan.
Residents also participate in community events such as Miracle League, Summer Soccer, Westchester County Center events, Disability Day at Rye Playland, and Kensico Dam Cultural Festival, to name a few.