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About Day Habilitation


Hawthorne Foundation Inc. adult day habilitation With Walls and WOW programs are available for individuals who live in a residential setting, as well as by themselves or with family.  HFI provides door to door transportation from many locations for those unable to use public transportation or para-transit services. 


Our day habilitation programs offer individuals with disabilities a full day structured environment, where they learn vocational, social and daily living skills, and engage in a range of community-based activities through which they can practice and generalize their skills.  Principles of applied behavior analysis are utilized throughout the program in order to assist each person in achieving maximum independence.  Individuals are provided with the specific skills training needed, along with the tools necessary for person centered decision making. 


Community Prevocational Services and Supported Employment is available for eligible individuals, according to their Life Plan.


The HFI day habilitation programs operate from 9am to 3pm, Monday through Friday.  Staffing ratios are based on the needs of participants in the program.  Each group follows a detailed schedule that adheres to their individual Life Plan goals.

Day Habilitation with Walls Program

At the Elmsford day habilitation center, individuals are provided with a state  of the art facility and programming that combines the best of center-based and community inclusion opportunities.


A daily schedule includes activities such as:

*These skills are also taught/reinforced during off-site community integration/ Community PreVocational activities throughout the week. 

Day Habilitation Without Walls (WOW)

HFI WOW groups spend their entire day in the local community.  This is consistent with the agency’s mission of fully integrating the people we support in the community during program hours.  All WOW participants are expected to use public transportation or para-transit to travel to program and back home, and travel training can be arranged to assist individuals to learn these skills. 


The groups start each day with breakfast and socialization in the community.  Individuals also work on money and communication skills.


Below, is a typical Without Walls group daily schedule:


8:00am- 9:30am

Transportation to program


9:45am - 10:30am

Breakfast/socialization/money skills (funds for breakfast provided as part of the program)


10:30am - 12:00 noon

Volunteer work sites (Community PreVoc)


12:00pm - 12:30pm

Lunch (bring lunch or purchase)


12:30pm - 1:30pm

work on valued outcomes such as safety, money, vocational and computer skills at various locations and volunteer sites in the community


1:30pm- 2:30pm

Planet Fitness  (memberships provided for program participants)


2:30pm- 3:00pm

wrap up and dismissal.

Get to Know HFI Day Hab - Click Photo
Day Habilitation Meals on Wheels

Sample Volunteer/Community Pre Voc Training Sites:

  • Afya Foundation

  • Croton Free Library/Greenburgh Library

  • Ronald McDonald House

  • Balance Fitness Gym

  • Meals on Wheels

  • Local Food Pantries

  • Paws Crossed

  • Residential Cleaning Sites

Young Volunteers

Day Habilitation Coordinator

Anna Chopra

Anna Chopra

(914) 372-7173 x5002


Contact Information:

For further information, please call Anna Chopra, Day Habilitation Coordinator at

(914) 372-7173 ext 5002 or


Ann Marie Babcock, Coordinator of Admissions at (914) 592-8526 ext. 2004 or

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